Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Rolls on forever? (You damn right!)


Today, your ol' Uncle Hugo (again) received a slew of takedown notices from Mega for almost the entire run of recently posted shows for ToS violations. This is the second time since the beginning of Summer Tour that we've had our ship run aground here at BMB. It's becoming apparent that either the Boys from VT have some aggressive bulldogs, or that Mega is more of a snitch than the wild wild west it used to be.

So, what comes next?

Well, we've got until New Years to figure out our move. Gotta look into some options. We Transfer and the Drive of the Googles are the current front runners, but there are costs associated with those that there weren't with Mega, and Uncle Hugo is counting his shekels and seeing what's what. This is frustrating to us, and it feels like we're letting you down. We're gonna find a way to keep our heads above water and keep the goodness flowing. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, I'll try to get Halloween re-Post Malone'd some other way.

One way or another, this darkness got to give...



  1. Mega Bummer! Or should I say Bummer Mega! Thank you so much for your posts! You have been very helpful over the years!

  2. Thanks for getting us the music!

  3. Appreciate your perseverance. Many thanks for everything.

  4. Thank you so much for all that you do!!!!!!

  5. Let me know if there is any way I can help!

  6. Thanks for all your efforts Hugo. Much love and appreciation!! Yeah, let us all know what we can do to help!

  7. Thanks for what you do and fighting the good fight.

  8. I've enjoyed thousands of hours of high-quality Phish for my daily jogs due to this amazeballs site. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you!!!

  9. Thank you for all your efforts to keep the river flowing! Probably nugs and not mega

  10. Thank you! Please let us know where it migrates. Greatly appreciate all you do.

  11. Thank you so much for all of the music you've already provided. Maybe if you asked on this site for some donations you could mitigate your cost for the other solutions. I know I'd be willing to throw some clams your way. Just a thought.

  12. Pass the hat if needed. You will get support.

  13. Any chance of getting the Halloween run re-posted?
